Forensic Handwriting and Document Examination

Forensic Handwriting & Document Examination

Paul S Bagnall

Paul S Bagnall

Since the closure of the Home Office Forensic Science Service I have been able to offer my services as a court going expert witness within the forensic specialism of questioned document examination to the wider legal and investigative community.

My experience within the Government laboratories in Belfast, Birmingham and Wetherby spans almost twenty five years and has focussed on casework, often complex and high profile and the presentation of my findings and opinions in courts on behalf of prosecution and defence councels in criminal proceedings and in civil litigation as a single or joint expert.

Instructions are now also welcome from other investigative bodies, private companies and individuals through their solicitors, both within the UK and language permitting, over-seas .

Experience has shown that an early engagement of a forensic document examiner is advantageous to guide the course of the investigation and ultimately maximise the effectiveness of the forensic evidence.
To this aim I offer a free initial consultation and preliminary assessment of the documents in question from which I should be able to establish how I may impact on your investigation.

In addition to the oral presentation of the forensic evidence in your case in court as an expert witness, I am experienced in re-assessing the findings of other questioned document examiners and most often available to attend court to advise on unforeseen questioned document issues and cross-examination questions.

I believe that expert witness statements and reports should be clear and concise, uncluttered by technical terms and include opinion levels that are in keeping and thus directly comparable with, those of the wider forensic and investigative community.

Whilst approaching your case with balanced expertise and maximising the potential of the forensic evidence will always remain top priority, I am aware that costs are of growing importance.
Client fees for work undertaken are competitive and agreed in advance along with timeliness as part of the initial assessment of the documents from which you should have some indication of what the examination may reveal.

In 1993 I attained by examination and currently hold, the UK Forensic Science Society Diploma in Document Examination and I am subject to its regular competency re-assessments.

As a previous Government employee I have undertaken regular quality assurance trials, worked to the required laboratory standards, signed the officials secrets act and attained high-level security clearance.